Schedule Appointment

Foundations Counseling, LLC is currently not accepting new clients. Please email the address below to be put on the waiting list.

Foundations Counseling, LLC offers flexible hours to meet the needs of you and your family.


Monday: 9-7pm
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: 9-7pm
Thursday: 8-5pm
Friday: 10-3pm
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed

To schedule an appointment call: 860-987-7408 or email:

The information contained on this website is for general informational purposes only and does not create a therapist-patient relationship. While the information on this site concerns mental health issues, it shall not constitute counseling, therapy or medical advice for the purposes of diagnosis and/or treatment. Viewers of this website who are in need of professional counseling, therapy or medical advice should seek treatment, and in the case of a medical emergency, should call 911 or go to the nearest hospital immediately. Do not attempt to access treatment or emergency care through this website.