
Foundations Counseling, LLC offers individual and family counseling to address an array of needs:


Adolescence is one of the most challenging times during our lives. Struggling to manage symptoms of anxiety or overcome times of sadness can sometimes require a little extra help and that is where I come in. This time time-period is not only challenging for the individual, but also for families and I offer support services for both. While working with your teen to help them to better understand and manage their symptoms, I will also work with parents to better understand how you can best support and nurture your
child through this difficult time.


Depression is one of the most commonly reported mental health concerns in our society. I take a cognitive approach when working with individuals experiencing symptoms of depression. I work collaboratively with my clients to uncover the sources of their symptoms, especially with relation to how our perceptions and views of situations impact our emotional responses. I have found that engaging with clients around how to retrain their brain and automatic thought processes to be highly effective in reducing symptoms of depression.


Much like depression, anxiety is commonly reported amongst various age groups. Often, anxiety and depression co-occur with one another and like depression, symptoms of anxiety are often rooted in how we perceive and think about particular situations or events. I utilize cognitive therapy as well as exposure treatments to assist clients in reframing the way they react to anxiety producing events, which has been successful in working with clients who experience anxiety and phobias.


Trauma can come in many forms and impact individuals in different ways. This is why I take a trauma-informed approach in working with all of my clients. Oftentimes we experience thoughts of guilt or shame due to our trauma histories. I approach trauma in a number of ways, with an ultimate goal to alleviate negative thoughts about oneself and generalizations about the world as well as reduce active trauma symptoms. I am trained different evidence based modalities to treat trauma and will work closely with my clients to help identify the best approach.

Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

Intimate partner violence is a unique form of manipulation, coercion, and aggression that typically occurs between two romantically involved partners. I began my career in the helping field as a Domestic Violence Advocate, working with survivors and their children while residing in a safe house. Since my time in the safe house, working with survivors of domestic violence has become a passion of mine. IPV comes in many forms, many of which do not include direct physical violence. IPV often leads to the development of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and utilize many of the same modalities I use to treat other traumas.

In addition to treating trauma symptoms related to IPV I believe that engaging clients in education to help them identify relationship red flags and as well as possible maladaptive relationship patterns. I believe that a key component to treating trauma associated with IPV is gaining an understanding of our backgrounds, intergenerational patterns, and other vulnerabilities that may have made an individual susceptible to engaging in unhealthy relationship patterns.

Substance Use and Abuse

Substance use is highly prevalent in our society and is often indicative of other mental health diagnosis or stressors occurring in an individual’s life. Often substance use is a symptom of other, underlying issues that I strongly believe need to be addressed in conjunction with the substance use. I will work with individuals who are experiencing issues or concerns related to substance use, as well as their families to best understand and treat the underlying causes of substance use as well as the use itself. I will collaborate with families to identify and implement strategies to best support their loved ones in decreasing their substance.

Child Behavioral Concerns

Parenting is the most challenging job we are faced with in our lives. Children do not come with guides or handbooks and they’re each unique. Every parent is doing the best they can with what they have, but often feel lost or unsupported in our society of perfection. Helping parents to best utilize their strengths to increase their efficacy and confidence as parents.

As children grows up, they have a natural desire to push boundaries and parents. This desire often manifests itself in unwanted behaviors. I have unique training in parenting and behavioral management techniques to help draw on family strengths and increase management of unwanted behaviors in their children. I work with parents to develop parenting interventions and with children to identify and utilize behaviorally appropriate coping skills.


The information contained on this website is for general informational purposes only and does not create a therapist-patient relationship. While the information on this site concerns mental health issues, it shall not constitute counseling, therapy or medical advice for the purposes of diagnosis and/or treatment. Viewers of this website who are in need of professional counseling, therapy or medical advice should seek treatment, and in the case of a medical emergency, should call 911 or go to the nearest hospital immediately. Do not attempt to access treatment or emergency care through this website.